
SheWorks / She's Next

Brand + Marketing

She Works
She Works - Brochure
She Works - Logo

Launched in January 2019, Visa She's Next is an effort to support and champion women business owners as they build, sustain and advance their companies. 451º created a branding framework and sample executions to support the initiative.

She Works - Icon
She - Icon
She - Icon
She Works - Pattern
She Works - Figure She Works - Figure She Works - Figure She Works - Figure
She Works - Pattern
She Works - Box
She Works - Book
She Works - Book
She Works - Logo
She - Logo
She Works - Logo

* This work has been created within 451, by its staff and members. Certain material has not been published or accepted by clients, but is being included as part of the design and exploration process.

No part of this content can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval without permission from the creators or any other company or person who may have copyright ownership.